
© Universitätssport Bern

Classical massage is used either for preventive or therapeutic purposes with metabolic disorders of the muscles and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It aims to relieve tense muscles and locally stimulate the blood circulation. Classical massage can be carried out as a whole-body massage or just on certain areas. Massage techniques such as stroking, kneading, flexing, rubbing, circular movements, vibrations and shaking are used for example to exercise pressure and traction to the skin and underlying tissue.


Reservationen für die klassische Massage online, telefonisch oder persönlich auf dem Sekretariat Unisport.
Terminanfragen per E-Mail können nicht verarbeitet werden.

Massage dates at vonRoll Areal

Location: vonRoll Areal, First floor - room C108c, Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern
Location map vonRoll Areal, First floor

Masseuse: Katrien De Bruyne, Nadja Weik, Eefje Oostweegel

The room in the vonRoll Areal is not that easy to find. We therefore recommend, that you allow enought time for your first visit. Please also note that during the evening massage (19:00 - 21:45) access to the vonRoll area is restricted as follows: 

  • From 19:00 the entrance door to the Institute is closed
    (please note the notice on the board behind the glass door)

  • From 21:00 the main entrance to the vonRoll area is closed.
New massage dates are published continuously.

Massagedaten Mai/Juni

Massagedaten Juli/August


Körperteil Dauer Studierende mit Unicard/Legi Mitarbeitende UniBE / Unisportausweisbesitzende
Beine 30 Minuten CHF 26.00 CHF 36.00
Rücken, Nacken, Schultern 30 Minuten CHF 26.00 CHF 36.00
Rücken, Nacken, Schultern 45 Minuten CHF 39.00 CHF 54.00
Rücken, Nacken, Schultern und Beine 60 Minuten CHF 52.00 CHF 72.00
Ganzkörpermassage 75 Minuten CHF 65.00 CHF 90.00

For students with a UNICARD/Legi, the massage costs CHF 15.00 per 15 minutes. For all university sports card holders and employees of the University of Bern, the massage costs CHF 20.00 per 15 minutes. For all massages, you will receive a periodic payment request by e-mail from Unisport.

Please note, that our masseuses are not recognised by health insurance companies.

Online reservation

Choose your desired massage appointment and your desired masseuse. All free massage times will be showed in the table. New appointments are online every third Monday (February, April, June, August, October, December) for the coming two months.

ZSSw, Bremgartenstrasse 145, 3012 Bern
vonRoll Areal, First floor - room C108c, Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern

Massagedaten Mai/Juni

Massagedaten Juli/August

